Publications |
Authors: Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik
Title: The somatic conditionings of the girls and boys juvenescent body posture
Title of source document: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Year of publication: 2008
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 17, nr 4A,
From page: 72
To page: 76
"postawa ciała"@pl
"cechy somatyczne"@pl
Impact Factor: 0.9
Authors: Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachoń
Title: Characteristics of anteroposterior curvatures of the spine in soccer players
Title of source document: Human Movment
Year of publication: 2017
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 18(4)
From page: 49
To page: 54
DOI number:
DOI: 10.1515/humo-2017-0039
"krzywizny przednio-tylne"@pl
Authors: Katarzyna Barczyk-Pawelec, Krystyna Chromik, Ewa Grażyna Demczuk-Włodarczyk, Arletta Hawrylak
Title: The spine mobility of karate master class contestants
Title of source document: Archives of Budo
Year of publication: 2017
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 13
From page: 343
To page: 350
"Martial Arts"@en
Impact Factor: 1.506
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Dorota Jakubiec, Weronika Jarnut, Wiesława Jonak, Krzysztof Andrzej Sobiech
Title: Skład ciała a jakość życia mierzona Kwestionariuszem Ogólnego Stanu Zdrowia Davida Goldberga (GHQ-12) u kobiet w wieku 55-60 lat
Title of source document: Przegląd Menopauzalny
Year of publication: 2012
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 16, nr 6
From page: 478
To page: 481
"jakość życia"@pl
"Skład ciała"@pl
Impact Factor: 0.227
Authors: Justyna Andrzejewska, Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik, Jarosław Wojciech Maśliński, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Kazimierz Piotr Witkowski
Title: Morphological differentiation and body composition in female judokas and female weightlifters in relation to the performed sport discipline
Title of source document: Archives of Budo
Year of publication: 2010
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 6, nr 2
From page: 111
To page: 115
Impact Factor: 0.488
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Dorota Jakubiec, Agnieszka Pinkowska, Anna Rohan, Krzysztof Andrzej Sobiech
Title: Selected lifestyle factors in first-year male university students
Title of source document: Prevention and health education / sci. ed. Henryk Duda, Małgorzata Biskup, Tomasz Wójcik
Year of publication: 2017
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): rozdział 11
ISBN: 978-83-61495-55-0
From page: 157
To page: 166
"Skład ciała"@pl
Authors: Katarzyna Barczyk-Pawelec, Krystyna Chromik, Ewa Grażyna Demczuk-Włodarczyk, Arletta Hawrylak, Barbara Ratajczak
Title: Spinal range of motion and plantar pressure in sport climbers
Title of source document: Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Year of publication: 2017
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 19, nr 2
From page: 169
To page: 173
DOI number:
DOI: 10.5277/ABB-00647-2016-01
"zakres ruchów"@pl
"Wspinaczka górska"@pl
Impact Factor: 0.914
Authors: Justyna Andrzejewska, Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik, Dariusz Harmaciński, Jarosław Wojciech Maśliński, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Tadeusz Stefaniak, Kazimierz Piotr Witkowski
Title: An analysis of the correlation between kinesthetic differentiation capacity and the maximum force level in lower limbs
Title of source document: Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
Year of publication: 2016
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 8, nr 3
From page: 26
To page: 31
"kończyna dolna"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Dorota Jakubiec, Anna Janicka, Dominik Kmiecik, Krzysztof Andrzej Sobiech, Tadeusz Stefaniak, Piotr Załęcki
Title: Application of phytosterols supplements by persons practicing weight training
Title of source document: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Science
Year of publication: 2015
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 3, nr 1(2)
From page: 31
To page: 40
"Ćwiczenia oporowe"@pl
Authors: Justyna Andrzejewska, Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachoń
Title: Charakterystyka podometryczna kobiet trenujących sporty walki
Title of source document: Ontogeneza i promocja zdrowia: w aspektach medycyny, antropologii i wychowania fizycznego / red. nauk. Ryszard Asienkiewicz, Ewa Skorupka, Józef Tatarczuk
Year of publication: 2015
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): -
ISBN: 978-83-7842-192-4
From page: 35
To page: 46
"sporty walki"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Agata Cygan, Lucyna Górska-Kłęk, Dorota Jakubiec, Danuta Kornafel
Title: Lifestyle of students from different universities in Wrocław, Poland
Title of source document: Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Year of publication: 2015
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): T. 66, nr 4
From page: 337
To page: 344
"styl życia"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Wojciech Seidel, Rafał Szafraniec
Title: Selected kinematics characteristic during bench press by disabled powerlifting athletes
Title of source document: Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports
Year of publication: 2015
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 11
From page: 115
To page: 122
"siła mięśniowa"@pl
"sport osób niepełnosprawnych"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Arletta Hawrylak, Dorota Wojna
Title: Spinal and shoulder girdle range of motion in elite female volleyball athletes
Title of source document: Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism
Year of publication: 2015
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 22, nr 3
From page: 143
To page: 147
DOI number:
DOI: 10.1515/pjst-2015-0021
"piłka siatkowa"@pl
"sport kobiet"@pl
"zakres ruchu"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Agnieszka Olchowska-Kotala
Title: Education and the prevention of postural defects
Title of source document: Human Movement
Year of publication: 2014
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 15, nr 4
From page: 199
To page: 203
DOI number:
doi: 10.1515/humo-2015-0011
"postawa ciała"@pl
"body satisfaction"@pl
Authors: Anna Burdukiewicz, Krystyna Chromik, Dawid Goliński, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachoń
Title: The anthropometric characteristics of futsal players compared with professional soccer players
Title of source document: Human Movement
Year of publication: 2014
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 15, nr 2
From page: 93
To page: 99
DOI number:
doi: 10.2478/humo-2014-0008
"budowa ciała"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Agnieszka Olchowska-Kotala
Title: Body satisfaction and time spent on physical activity in Polish students
Title of source document: Human Movement
Year of publication: 2013
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 14, nr 4
From page: 285
To page: 290
"Aktywność ruchowa"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Jarosław Fugiel, Małgorzata Kołodziej, Edyta Szczuka
Title: The shape of front-back curves of the spine and somatic conditions at young adolescents playing the volleybal
Title of source document: Medycyna Sportowa
Year of publication: 2013
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 29, nr 4
From page: 279
To page: 287
"piłka siatkowa"@pl
"postawa ciała"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Katarzyna Gruszka, Ewa Jagła, Krzysztof Andrzej Sobiech
Title: Ocena krzywizn kręgosłupa w płaszczyźnie czołowej i strzałkowej u dzieci w wieku 10-12 lat za pomocą posturometru-S
Title of source document: Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica, Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Year of publication: 2011
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): vol. 17, nr 1
From page: 17
To page: 20
"dzieci i młodzież"@pl
Authors: Krystyna Chromik, Mirosław Fic, Adam Kawczyński, Aleksandra Kisilewicz, Sebastian Klich, Beata Pożarowszczyk, Wojciech Seidel
Title: Reliability of ultrasound measures of supraspinatus tendon thickness and subacromial space in judo athletes
Title of source document: Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports
Year of publication: 2017
Numbering (annual, number, issue, part): nr 13(1)