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Typ zasobu: materiał dydaktyczny

Medicinal Natural Products – laboratory. Isolation casein from milk


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Tytuł Medicinal Natural Products – laboratory. Isolation casein from milk
Osoby Autorzy: Joanna Cabaj, Jadwiga Sołoducho
Partner: Politechnika Wrocławska
Opis Milk is the most nutritionally complete food found in nature. All kinds of milk, human or animal, contain vitamins (principally thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins A, B12, and D), minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and trace metals), proteins (mostly casein), carbohydrates (principally lactose), and lipids (fats). The amounts of these nutrients present in different types of milk differ greatly, however. Cows' milk and goats' milk are almost identical in every respect. Human milk contains less than half of the proteins and minerals of cows' or goats' milk, but almost 1.5 times as much sugar. Horses' milk is quite low in proteins and fats compared with the others, whereas reindeer milk is very high in proteins, fats, and minerals, but quite low in carbohydrates. The average composition of whole cows' milk is 87.1% water, 3.4% protein, 3.9% fats, 4.9% carbohydrates, and 0.7% minerals. The only important nutrients lacking in milk are iron and vitamin C.
There are three kinds of proteins in milk: caseins, lactalbumins, and lactoglobulins. All three are globular proteins, which tend to fold back on themselves into compact, nearly spheroidal units and are more easily solubilized in water as colloidal suspensions than fibrous proteins are. They are complete proteins, so-called because they contain all the amino acids essential for building blood and tissue, and they can sustain life and provide normal growth even if they are the only proteins in the diet. These proteins not only contain more amino acids than plant proteins, but they contain greater amounts of amino acids than the proteins in eggs and meats.
Casein, the main protein in milk, is a phosphoprotein, meaning that phosphate groups are attached to the hydroxyl groups of some of the amino acid side-chains. Casein exists in milk as the calcium salt, calcium caseinate. It is actually a mixture of at least three similar proteins which differ primarily in molecular weight and the amount of phosphorus groups they contain. Alpha- and beta-casein have molecular weights in the 25,000 range and possess about 9 and 4-5 phosphate groups per molecule, respectively. They are both insoluble in water. Kappa-casein has a molecular weight of about 8,000 and possesses 1-2 phosphate groups per molecule. It is responsible for solubilizing the other two caseins in water by promoting the formation of micelles. (Angielski)
Słowa kluczowe "kazeina"@pl, "związki chemiczne"@pl, "właściwości chemiczne"@pl, "mleko UHT"@pl, "metody izolacji"@pl
Klasyfikacja Typ zasobu: materiał dydaktyczny
Dyscyplina naukowa: dziedzina nauk chemicznych / chemia (2011)
Grupa docelowa: naukowcy, nauczyciele, studenci, uczniowie, przedsiębiorcy, administracja publiczna, ogół społeczeństwa
Szkodliwe treści: Nie
Charakterystyka Miejsce powstania: Wrocław
Czas powstania: 2018
Liczba stron: 14
Wykładowcy:Joanna Cabaj, Jadwiga Sołoducho
Język zasobu: Angielski
Licencja CC BY-SA 4.0
Informacje techniczne Deponujący: Jadwiga Soloducho
Data udostępnienia: 17-03-2021
Kolekcje Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Kolekcja e-Learning PWr



Joanna Cabaj, Jadwiga Sołoducho. Medicinal Natural Products – laboratory. Isolation casein from milk. [materiał dydaktyczny] Dostępny w Atlasie Zasobów Otwartej Nauki, . Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.pl. Data dostępu: DD.MM.RRRR.

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