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Typ zasobu: artykuł, rozdział

Analysis of the possibilities to generate and analyze different polarization states of light by twisted nematic liquid crystal


Metadane zasobu

Tytuł Analysis of the possibilities to generate and analyze different polarization states of light by twisted nematic liquid crystal
Osoby Autorzy: Monika Salamaga, Władysław Woźniak
Partner: Politechnika Wrocławska
Opis This is the AAM version of the post-conference material: Monika Salamaga and Władysław A. Woźniak "Analysis of the possibilities to generate and analyze different polarization states of light by twisted nematic liquid crystal", Proc. SPIE 12502, 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 1250216 (12 December 2022); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2664224

Twisted nematic liquid crystals (TNLCs) are an interesting alternative to the linear liquid crystal variable retarders commonly used in polarimetric systems. The first and last molecules are anchored on the bounding surface of the liquid crystal cell at 90° angles to each other. As a result of the application of an electric field, there is a change in the polarization properties of the eigenvectors of the TNLC and the phase difference introduced by them. Theoretical analysis indicates that the use of TNLC can generate and analyze an infinite number of polarization states. Nevertheless, their practical applicability is limited and depends on the physical parameters of the liquid crystal cell. Therefore, this work presents the polarimetric characteristics (azimuth angle, ellipticity angle and phase difference) measured as a function of applied voltage of two TNLCs manufactured by Thorlabs®. The study aims to test whether it is possible to achieve a phase difference greater than 4π by using TNLC, which is desirable for optimization reasons. The polarization states that can be produced and analyzed with the examined TNLCs are represented on the Poincaré sphere. This provides a base for selecting the optimal practically possible polariscope configurations in the future. (Angielski)
Słowa kluczowe "polarization state of light"@en, "phase difference"@en, "liquid crystals modulators"@en, "twisted nematics"@en
Klasyfikacja Typ zasobu: artykuł, rozdział
Dyscyplina naukowa: Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych / nauki fizyczne (2018)
Grupa docelowa: ogół społeczeństwa, przedsiębiorcy, studenci, naukowcy
Szkodliwe treści: Nie
Charakterystyka Tytuł źródła: Proc. SPIE 12502, 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics
Wydawca: SPIEDigitalLibrary
Czas wydania: 2022
Od strony: 1
Do strony: 8
Język zasobu: Angielski
Identyfikatory: DOI: 10.1117/12.2664224
Linki zewnętrzne
Licencja CC BY-SA 4.0
Informacje techniczne Deponujący: Monika Salamaga
Data udostępnienia: 24-03-2023
Kolekcje Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej



Monika Salamaga, Władysław Woźniak. Analysis of the possibilities to generate and analyze different polarization states of light by twisted nematic liquid crystal. [artykuł, rozdział] Dostępny w Atlasie Zasobów Otwartej Nauki, https://zasobynauki.pl/zasoby/analysis-of-the-possibilities-to-generate-and-analyze-different-polarization-states-of-light-by-twis,83094/. Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.pl. Data dostępu: 15.02.2025.

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Measurement and numerical simulations for twisted nematic liquid crystal

Monika Salamaga, Władysław Woźniak, zbiór, baza danych, Politechnika Wrocławska, Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych / nauki fizyczne (2018)

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