Resource link (short) link (repository) metadata
Title |
Inside the New European Bauhaus: How to design and build a more sustainable future? |
Persons |
Krystyna Kirschke, Laurence FARRENG, Maarten GIELEN,, Marcos Ros, Christian EHLER, Xavier Matilla, Lukas Pairon
Partner: Wrocław University of Science and Technology |
Description |
“What techniques, materials and skills will be needed to foster a better future in the wake of the global pandemic?" This was just one of the questions raised during a European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) online roundtable on the ability of the New European Bauhaus initiative to pool expertise and ideas from architects, urban planners, designers and citizens, on building a more sustainable future. This lively discussion took place in the slipstream of the recent European Commission pledge to bring the European Green Deal into people’s minds and homes and become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Indeed, one of the ways to help achieve this ambitious goal lies in the new European Bauhaus initiative, set to demonstrate that what is necessary can also be beautiful. Participants in an online roundtable entitled ‘Inside the New European Bauhaus: How to design and build a more sustainable future?” which took place on 16 March 2021, looked at these issues through the prism of a number of inspiring projects, offering advice, but also expressing some caution. (English) |
Keywords | "Naukowcy"@pl, "panel (dyskusja)"@pl, "Rozwój zrównoważony"@pl, "urbanistyka"@pl, "architektura XXI wieku"@pl, "architektura nowoczesna"@pl |
Classification |
Resource type:
video Scientific discipline: Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych / architektura i urbanistyka (2018) Destination group: entrepreneurs, students, teachers, scientists Harmful content: No |
Characteristics |
Place of creation: Politechnika Wrocławska/Unia Europejska
Creation time: 2020-09-08 Recording length: 01:26:38 Video recording genre or style: film recordings Publisher: PWR Recording producer: Parlament Europejski Resource language: English Codec: H.264/MPEG-4 Original medium: other Technical assessment of material quality: 3 Original video material: unassembled material Sound: mono Number of tracks: 2 |
License | ID-NC-ND |
Technical information |
Submitter: Andrzej Gier Availability date: 01-07-2021 |
Collections | Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej |
Krystyna Kirschke, Laurence FARRENG, Maarten GIELEN,, Marcos Ros, Christian EHLER, Xavier Matilla, Lukas Pairon. Inside the New European Bauhaus: How to design and build a more sustainable future?. [video] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: ID-NC-ND, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.
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