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Resource type: article, chapter

Problemy modelowania oczyszczalni ścieków * 12. Optimization of rural water systems (RB-1997-21-12)


Resource metadata

Title Problemy modelowania oczyszczalni ścieków * 12. Optimization of rural water systems (RB-1997-21-12)
Persons Authors: Jan Studziński
Cocreators: Bronisław Chudzik (Other), Siergiej Karambirow (Other)
Partner: Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Description The paper describes a software to optimize rural water systems. A general description of the computational program package for the needs of designing rural water supply systems is provided. This package allows for complete calculations of rural water supply systems issues. Apart from designing, this package enables the investigation into the behavior of a network and a water intake under operation. (English)
Keywords "simulation software"@en, "zastosowanie modelowania i symulacji"@pl, "oprogramowanie symulacyjne"@pl, "simulation in hydraulics"@en, "application of modelling and simulation"@en, "symulacje w hydraulice"@pl
Classification Resource type: article, chapter
Scientific discipline: dziedzina nauk technicznych / inżynieria środowiska (2011)
Destination group: pupils, students, scientists
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Title of source document: RB-1997-21-12
Place of publication: Warszawa
Publisher: IBSPAN
Time of publication: 1997
From page: 1
To page: 6
Resource language: English
License CC BY-SA 4.0
Technical information Submitter: Anna Wasilewska
Availability date: 15-09-2022
Collections Kolekcja Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN w Warszawie



Jan Studziński. Problemy modelowania oczyszczalni ścieków * 12. Optimization of rural water systems (RB-1997-21-12). [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.

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Jan Studziński, article, chapter, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, dziedzina nauk technicznych / inżynieria środowiska (2011)

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