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Bioclimatic architecture


Metadane zasobu

Tytuł Bioclimatic architecture
Osoby Autorzy: Barbara Widera
Partner: Politechnika Wrocławska
Opis The aim of this paper is to discuss the idea of bioclimatic architecture from its genesis to the presentation of the most advanced contemporary examples. Different ways of adapting dwelling to the climate are compared and analyzed. The basic solutions are commonly found in vernacular building. Some modifications and improvements can be also observed while particular methods differ depending on the regional traditions, available materials, developed techniques etc. Today, with the application of cutting-edge technology, bioclimatic building is based on much more advanced systems, both passive and active. Also the respect
towards nature is declared by most of the architects. However, in many cases a more detailed investigation reveals the lack of understanding of the complexity and fragileness of the existing ecosystems. So called green or sustainable buildings, although constructed from renewable materials and even awarded with energy certificates, are often designed without proper analysis of the specifics of local environment, neither natural nor cultural. The opportunities created by the building location, especially in terms of occurring bioclimatic conditions are usually ignored. The author of this paper describes how indigenous climatic solutions from
vernacular building evolve from simple to more complex systems and how they are smartly combined with the newest technology to create mature and conscious bioclimatic architecture. Two presented case studies are some of the best examples illustrating how the concept of bioclimatic architecture works in practice and what opportunities are created by that. (Angielski)
Słowa kluczowe "contemporary architecture"@en, "climate"@en, "architecture"@en, "Nature"@en, "cultural heritage"@en, "renewable energy source"@en, "clean energy"@en, "theory of architecture"@en, "architecture and society"@en, "sustainable building"@en, "bioclimatic architecture"@en, "bioclimatic"@en
Klasyfikacja Typ zasobu: artykuł, rozdział
Dyscyplina naukowa: dziedzina nauk technicznych / architektura i urbanistyka (2011)
Grupa docelowa: naukowcy, nauczyciele, studenci, uczniowie, przedsiębiorcy, administracja publiczna, ogół społeczeństwa
Szkodliwe treści: Nie
Charakterystyka Tytuł źródła: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research
Numeracja: vol. 2, no. 4
Miejsce wydania: USA
Wydawca: ETHAN Publishing
Czas wydania: 2015
Od strony: 567
Do strony: 578
Język zasobu: Angielski
Licencja CC BY-SA 4.0
Informacje techniczne Deponujący: Barbara Widera
Data udostępnienia: 25-04-2018
Kolekcje Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Kolekcja e-Biblio PWr



Barbara Widera. Bioclimatic architecture. [artykuł, rozdział] Dostępny w Atlasie Zasobów Otwartej Nauki, . Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.pl. Data dostępu: DD.MM.RRRR.

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