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Resource type: article, chapter

Probabilistic properties of threshold ang greedy algorithms for the binary knapsack problem (PN-1986-03)


Resource metadata

Title Probabilistic properties of threshold ang greedy algorithms for the binary knapsack problem (PN-1986-03)
Persons Authors: Marek Sylwester Libura, Krzysztof Marcin Szkatuła
Partner: Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Description In this paper the threshold algorithm for the binary knapsack problem is considered and its connections with well-known greedy algorithm is analyzed. Probabilistic analysis of the threshold algorithm in the asymptotic case (for large sizes of problems) is performed. It is known that for a given class of random knapsack problems and for any sizes n of a problem, a threshold value can be found such that the corresponding threshold solution is both a greedy and optimal solution of the knapsack problem with a slightly perturbed right-hand side of the constraint. The perturbation is asymptotically equal to zero, almost surely. (English)
Keywords "zachłanny algorytm"@pl, "binary knapsack problem"@en, "probabilistic properties"@en, "greedy algorithm"@en, "własności probabilistyczne"@pl, "binarny problem plecakowy"@pl
Classification Resource type: article, chapter
Scientific discipline: Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych / informatyka (2018)
Destination group: pupils, students, scientists
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Title of source document: PN-1986-03
Place of publication: Warszawa
Publisher: IBSPAN
Time of publication: 1986
From page: 1
To page: 20
Resource language: English
License CC BY-SA 4.0
Technical information Submitter: Anna Wasilewska
Availability date: 28-10-2022
Collections Kolekcja Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN w Warszawie



Marek Sylwester Libura, Krzysztof Marcin Szkatuła. Probabilistic properties of threshold ang greedy algorithms for the binary knapsack problem (PN-1986-03). [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.

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