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Resource type: article, chapter

[Author Accepted Manuscript] Exploring the role of thermal activation of cement exposed to the external environment on the improvement of concrete properties


Resource metadata

Title [Author Accepted Manuscript] Exploring the role of thermal activation of cement exposed to the external environment on the improvement of concrete properties
Persons Authors: Jeonghyun Kim
Partner: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Description This author accepted manuscript is part of the results from the PRELUDIUM21 project, "Seeking true sustainability by multiple recycling of thermal-activated waste concrete powder as a partial cement replacement," funded by the National Science Centre (UMO-2022/45/N/ST8/01782). (English)
Keywords "concrete"@en, "portland cement"@en
Classification Resource type: article, chapter
Scientific discipline: Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych / inżynieria lądowa i transport (2018)
Destination group: scientists
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Title of source document: Exploring the role of thermal activation of cement exposed to the external environment on the improvement of concrete properties
Place of publication: Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Publisher: Elsevier
Time of publication: 2023
From page: 2868
To page: 2878
Resource language: English
Identifiers: DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.03.195
License CC BY-ND-NC 4.0
Technical information Submitter: Jeonghyun Kim
Availability date: 10-12-2024
Collections Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej



Jeonghyun Kim. [Author Accepted Manuscript] Exploring the role of thermal activation of cement exposed to the external environment on the improvement of concrete properties. [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-ND-NC 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.