Resource link (short) link (repository) metadata
Title |
Construction of a K-immunization strategy with the highest convexity (RB-1995-37-02) |
Persons |
Leszek Saturnin Zaremba
Partner: Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw |
Description |
We prove the existence and construct a portfolio Z* with the highest convexity in the class of portfolios that solve the immunization problem to meet the lability of C dollars to pay K years from now. Z* appears to be a barbell strategy built up with two zero-coupon bonds with the shortest and longest maturities. The result is interesting not only on its own, but is strictly related to the problem of maximization of the unanticipated rate of return on a portfolio solving the above immunization problem. Two more results concerning the unanticipated return after K years are provided with proofs. An example illustrating the role of convexity in maximization of the unanticipated return is included. (English) |
Keywords | "Immunization"@en, "highest convexity"@en, "k-immunization strategy"@en, "immunizacja"@pl, "największa wypukłość"@pl, "strategia k-immunizacji"@pl |
Classification |
Resource type:
article, chapter Scientific discipline: Dziedzina nauk społecznych / ekonomia i finanse (2018) Destination group: pupils, students, scientists Harmful content: No |
Characteristics |
Title of source document: RB-1995-37-02
Place of publication: Warszawa Publisher: IBSPAN Time of publication: 1995 From page: 1 To page: 12 Resource language: English |
License | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Technical information |
Submitter: Anna Wasilewska Availability date: 13-01-2023 |
Collections | Kolekcja Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN w Warszawie |
Leszek Saturnin Zaremba. Construction of a K-immunization strategy with the highest convexity (RB-1995-37-02). [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.
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