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Resource type: article, chapter

Group judgement. Some application to decision problems in transport (RB-2000-77)


Resource metadata

Title Group judgement. Some application to decision problems in transport (RB-2000-77)
Persons Authors: Hanna Bury, Dariusz W. Wagner
Partner: Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Description When solving decision problems in transport there are situations when it is not possible to apply formalized mathematical programming methods. In such cases expert judgements are to be used. In the paper problems concerning the methodology of expert judgement are discussed. Some aspects important from practical point of view are discussed in detail. Special attention is paid to Kemeny's median method. Heuristic algorithms making it possible to overcome computational problems are presented. (English)
Keywords "transport"@pl, "Kemeny`s median"@en, "mediana Kemeny`ego"@pl
Classification Resource type: article, chapter
Scientific discipline: dziedzina nauk technicznych (2011)
Destination group: pupils, students, scientists
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Title of source document: RB-2000-77
Place of publication: Warszawa
Publisher: IBSPAN
Time of publication: 2000
From page: 1
To page: 21
Resource language: English
License CC BY-SA 4.0
Technical information Submitter: Anna Wasilewska
Availability date: 07-09-2022
Collections Kolekcja Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN w Warszawie



Hanna Bury, Dariusz W. Wagner. Group judgement. Some application to decision problems in transport (RB-2000-77). [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.

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